Are Governments Necessary

Governments have been a crucial part of a society. They allow the people in them to trust them and to thrive. On the one hand, people would agree that governments help them, protect them, or offer basic human rights. On the other hand, people would disagree and claim that some governments are corrupt or overtly evil. In general, it is beneficial to form a government if it is executed correctly.

Governments are necessary because they serve many functions. Primarily, they protect their people from any attacks, outside or inside. From mass shootings, to civil unrest, the government’s job is to step in. They also interfere with whatever is going on to prevent extreme casualties. There are several law enforcement who provide services towards controlling such unrest. Additionally, they provide people with their basic needs. Many welfare programs are funded by the government. They exist for those who are less fortunate. Regardless, people are offered food, shelter, clothes, jobs, medicine, and education.

Governments also provide and protect individual liberties. I have always believed that it’s the government’s responsibility to help out their citizens. For example, the United States provides its citizens with 27 rights amendments. Every citizen has these rights protected and can exercise them whenever needed. When any person is arrested, they are reminded of their Miranda rights. Anyone familiar with America’s laws, should agree that everyone should be given the same access and equality to these laws. Finally, governments are an opportunity towards financial stability. Certain governments have certain ways of running their economy. Allowing companies to run their financial status shows no control over money. Having a government allows people to have opportunities.

Opponents claim that governments aren’t necessary because they bring evil into society. One problem is that a government along with leaders can bring corruption. They can manipulate their power to fit their ideals. Dictatorships or communist governments usually control people’s ideals. They can also limit their rights so that they follow their own. Another problem that is usually brought up is the invasion of privacy. Several governments spy on messages, phone calls, and social media. People often get worried about the personal information that they typically run into. Finally, they also bring up that governments can create propaganda through censorship. For example, North Korea has banned access to the internet. They also advertise that the USA is an enemy. They can get into their people’s head by limiting them access information. Opponents say that governments can cause chaos, and I disagree because allowing people to control governments by voicing their opinions can bring peace. Governments, nonetheless, are a very viable thing to build. It needs to be done with good intentions: to protect and provide.

In today’s age, not all governments are the same. Governments bring great opportunities and can help with a lot of things. It is up to the societies to control which direction the government Is heading towards.